Grow your Business
Isn’t this what everyone is searching for? How can I make my business grow? This is a delicate question. We all know that you need to spend money to make money. However, what we don’t know is how to spend our money and get the best return on investment. (ROI). I believe that advertising on the web is the best way to educate people about your product or service. Most people will do research about something that they are wanting to buy, or a service they are looking for. An appealing, easy-to-use website is the best way to attract your customers. You know the most about your product or service, now you need to tell everyone else about it, and why they need to have it.
When I started my business I read a book that I borrowed from a friend. It was titled ” Don’t Make Me Think”. I believe if you build a website that gives you the basic information, without a lot of “fluff”, you will attract the right kind of customers. People don’t want to have to figure out how to use the site, they just want to get the information they need and move on.
There are plenty of free services, or inexpensive alternatives to building a website. However those inexpensive sites tend to have a monthly fee, (that can increase at any time). They are locked down to a specific server and you can not move it anywhere else. I build the majority of my websites using wordpress. If you choose to maintain it completely yourself, you can do that. If you have questions, I can walk you through just about anything. I provide my customers with a backup utility that will backup their site regularly, and give them the peace of mind that if they ever want to move it, it can go anywhere. If the site gets hacked (and this is happening more and more), you can go to a backup that is stored offsite, and get the site back up within an hour. Let me help you Grow your Business and Increase your profit.